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Consulting Pty Limited
ABN: 18 108 712 312

PO Box 866 Gladesville
NSW 1675

P: (02) 9817 1717
M: 0417 171 720

Rhonda Stien

The Principal of Workplace Investigations Australia is Rhonda Stien who holds Masters Degrees in Business Administration and Social Work as well as qualifications in investigation and dispute resolution.

Rhonda is highly experienced as a manager holding senior positions in both government and non-government sectors. She was the CEO of a major non-government child and family welfare agency and has been part of the Senior Executive Service of the NSW Public Service. Her relevant qualifications include:

  • Master of Business Administration, Macquarie University
  • Master of Social Work, University of NSW
  • Certificate IV in Government (Fraud Control)
  • Certificate IV in Government (Statutory Compliance)
  • Diploma in Government Investigations
  • Graduate Certificate in Mediation

She holds a NSW Commercial and Private Inquiry Agent Licence (Master Licence and Operator Licence) Licence Number 409897063.

Rhonda’s extensive qualifications and experience in senior management roles provide the foundation for the expertise, perspective and wisdom she brings to the role. We have a particular expertise in managing complaints of workplace bullying and harassment.

Resolving Workplace Issues

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